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How to Post Photos

Sun Mar 16, 2014 10:46 am

One of the most common problems that people have on WaGuns (or any forum!) is posting photos. Good photos can make a big difference when you're selling an item, showing off your new toy, or telling us what you did last weekend . . . and fortunately, it's easy to post them!

There are many ways to post pics, but here is one easy method:

If you are using the full version of the WaGuns website from your computer:

1) Go to https://postimage.io.
2) Set the image size drop-down box to "800x600."
3) Leave the expiration drop-down box on "No expiration."
4) Click "Choose Images," find your photo on the computer, then click "Open" or "Choose." You must do one photo at a time.
5) Give the photo a moment to upload . . . relax. :bigsmile:
6) Highlight and copy (Ctrl-C for Windows, Command-C for Mac, or Edit-Copy in the menu) the "Direct link" code in the second box.
7) In your WaGuns post, paste the code (Ctrl-V for Windows, Command-V for Mac, or Edit-Paste in the menu).
8) Highlight the code that you just pasted, then click the "Img" box on WaGuns that is up above the text box in which you are typing.
9) If you have more photos to upload, click "Upload Another Image." A new browser tab will open, and you can repeat steps 2) through 8).
10) Click Submit, you're good to go. thumbsup

If you are using the mobile version of the WaGuns website from your phone or tablet's web browser:

My preferred method: Email the photo to yourself, then open it on the computer and follow the instructions above!


1) Download the free Imgur app called "imgapp", if you don't already have it.
2) Open imgapp. Tap the three horizontal lines in the upper left corner.
3) Scroll down and tap "Upload, Anonymous."
4) Tap "Choose image."
5) Locate or take your photo.
6) Tap "Upload."
7) The URL of your photo will be shown on the screen. "Select all" and COPY that URL.
8) Exit imgapp and go back to WaGuns in your web browser.
9) In your WaGuns post, type the following:
[img]<paste the photo URL here>.jpg[/img]

It will look like this example:

Make sure you type the ".jpg" after the photo URL, as well as typing the [img] tags!

(See why it's easier to just email it to yourself and do it on the computer?)

If you are using the Tapatalk app on your phone or tablet::

1) While typing your WaGuns post, click the "camera" button to take a new photo or the "photo" button (little picture of the mountain) to use an existing photo.
2) Take or locate your photo.
3) Choose "Medium 480x640."
BAM, you're done.

There are numerous other ways to post photos, and some of those ways are better if you want to be able to catalog your photos, access them later, etc. The methods above are not necessarily the BEST, but I think they are the EASIEST if you're just learning.

If anyone has suggestions for improvements to this post, please let me know.

If you have read the above and are still having trouble, send me a PM and I'll be happy to help. :cheers2:

Re: How to Post Photos

Fri Jun 02, 2017 8:17 pm

It appears that Tinypic has taken a long-term dump on us, so I have re-written the instructions above to use PostImage.io instead.

Yes, there are many other ways to host photos. Here's an article with a bunch of alternatives:
https://www.thebalance.com/top-free-ima ... es-1357014

Re: How to Post Photos

Wed Dec 12, 2018 5:34 pm

How can I orient my photos upright when posting from my phone.

When Im viewing them on my phone they are correct, but on my desktop they are sideways.

Im lost?

Re: How to Post Photos

Wed Dec 12, 2018 7:35 pm

Old Growth wrote:How can I orient my photos upright when posting from my phone.

When Im viewing them on my phone they are correct, but on my desktop they are sideways.

Im lost?

That's a good question, and you're not the only one who has the issue.

I just posted a few pics directly from my phone (iPhone 7 Plus), and they all came out right-side-up regardless of whether I viewed them on the phone or on my computer. I tried posting with the phone in both orientations, and that didn't matter.

When your photos come out sideways, if you click them to zoom then they turn right side up.

I researched this a bit a few weeks ago, and it seemed to be related to iPhones.

What kind of phone are you using? Is your phone operating system up to date?

Re: How to Post Photos

Wed Dec 12, 2018 7:40 pm

Iphone. Yeah I think it is.

Re: How to Post Photos

Wed Dec 12, 2018 7:46 pm

All right, cmica is schooling me here and I think he’s right. It seems to be related to the orientation of the phone when you take the photo.

I’m posting this from my phone.

Here’s a pic taken with the phone upright (portrait):


And here’s a pic taken with the phone sideways (landscape):

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Re: How to Post Photos

Wed Dec 12, 2018 7:48 pm

^ Click on either of those photos, and they will appear correct when zoomed. But in the original view, the photo that was taken with the phone upright is turned sideways.

I haven't seen a way to fix it. :(

Re: How to Post Photos

Wed Dec 12, 2018 7:52 pm

I typically take then portrait style so they fit best on my IG page.

Ill have to take normal ones to post here. Im going to try from my Ipad and see if it changes things.

Re: How to Post Photos

Wed Dec 12, 2018 7:56 pm

OK. This one I took in portrait mode, but then I edited the photo to rotate it a few times . . . all the way back to the original orientation.

And it seems to be fine.
You do not have the required permissions to view the files attached to this post.

Re: How to Post Photos

Thu Dec 13, 2018 12:40 am

MadPick wrote:OK. This one I took in portrait mode, but then I edited the photo to rotate it a few times . . . all the way back to the original orientation.

And it seems to be fine.

I did the same and it works!! Yay!

Re: How to Post Photos

Wed Jan 15, 2020 9:42 pm

POSTING PICS -(Correct Orientation)

Problem, "How come my pics end up sideways or upside down when I post them?"

Its easy, you have to "edit" the pic. Rotate it 180 degrees and save it. Then rotate it another 180 degrees and save it again. Now it will be back to normal looking when viewed on your phone, but it will now stay that way when loaded to here.

Re: How to Post Photos

Thu Nov 11, 2021 2:51 am

i have tried 10 times, seriously, to load pictures, i have read the instructions 6 times, and all i get is the .jpg code in my topic but no picture. i love your site. kudos for your work in creating such a great public service. but if i cant load pictures of guns to sell the site is worthless. Anything you can do to help? the latest pistol i have for sale is a S&P 9606. do you need more info to locate it and see whats up?


miles wetsman

Re: How to Post Photos

Thu Nov 11, 2021 8:50 am

Miles. It seems you posted just fine?

Re: How to Post Photos

Thu Sep 15, 2022 5:29 pm

It would be nice to be able to restrict the size of embedded photos so they don't automatically populate with 1653p width. I believe the only way to do so right now is to format the image to the desired size and then re-host it with an online image host. While the ]img[ tag seems to work fine, the traditional resizing options for bbcode like [img width="640" height="480"]http://image.jpg[/img] don't seem to work. I believe most other forums just create a new BB tag, secondary to the standard ]img[ tag. One way to do it would be to create a new tag [imgresize]:

BBCode usage: [imgresize={NUMBER}]{URL}[/imgresize]
HTML replacement: <img src="{URL}" style="width: {NUMBER}%; height: {NUMBER}%;" />
Help line: Resize Image: [imgresize=%window]http://image_url[/imgresize]

This new [imgresize] tag would be used to scale the rendered percentage of both height and width together. In order to resize an image, http://image.jpg, which has a native resolution of 1280x960 so that it displays the image in-post at a resolution of 640x480, you would simply use the [imgresize] thus:


Re: How to Post Photos

Thu Sep 15, 2022 8:07 pm

I’ll sandbox it and give it a shot. There is an auto resize, but not all browsers display it correctly.

Stand by!
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